Saturday, August 28, 2010

The most Shocking Chilean Piece of News of 2010

There's something that has me really annoyed, which is the manipulation of information from the media.
In the present year we have been witnesses of all the disaster caused by the eartquake and the tsunami the past february, if we haven't been victims at all. We have seen destruction, pain and the worst side of our sellfish nature, watching the TV we have seen how some thieves stole flat screens and huge washing machines carrying them on their shoulders, but in a moment the media just concentrated their attention in this fact: the worst thing of all the chaos. The good actions and the donations don't sell well, and the drama is the best allied for sensacionalism. The horrible stories about how a woman lost her child in the first wave or the people who watched how their houses were carryed away by the sea, soon weren't enough. The media have used the information to have better sales, not to give objective information...
The days after this events, I stayed in front of the TV all day long, trying to know anything about other places affected, the people rescued, the campaigns to make money for those people, etc. Then, I felt a little depressed, I didn't have any damages in my house or my family, we were all OK, but I had the feeling that the news were not enough for my thirst of knowledge about this matter, I have family all across the country,I needed to know that they were OK too, I didn't have any signal in the phone, neither the cellphone, and the news only showed despair everywhere...
A few days later, we recovered the phone service and the thing started to ring all day long, many relatives called desperated wanting to know if we were alive and well, and so we were. My family also made a lot of calls to other relatives and friends, and fortunetly they were all fine, some people had damages in their houses but they were all OK.
The next days I stopped watching TV, I was tired of all the horror that the press spred like a virus, I know that was a disaster and many people needed to claim for help, but I think that the ambient that the media created those days wasn't appropiate for a country that needed to wake up. It was the ads, with a commercial interest, what started with a message of hope and revival spreading all the national TV channels. Banks that ask for donations, and things like that, started to make me sick: why not to make a real TV campaign exent of money interests? it's always the same condition: money behind every good action. 
The lasts terrible events, I mean of course the miners trapped in the mine in the north of the country and all the attempts to rescue them, have captured the screens and averted the sights to this event in particular. At the same time, in the south of the country, some mapuche people were in the middle of a hunger strike, weak and undefended, and the authorities want to take advantage of this matter and force them to get some food by their veins, I mean, injecting it in them. The mapuche people want their rights to be respected and their lands back, but they haven't been listened by the authorities and that's because they started this hunger strike. It's very important to know that this events have occured in this days, but the miners has been a matter that doesn't blame the government directly, unlike the mapuche people's matter. The media doesn't even shows this matter, but it's very interested in the miners's matter. Very strange uh?

Friday, August 27, 2010

Epica- Design your Universe

In April of the present year I attended to a music concert of a group I love, their name is Epica. They're from Nederlands, and their songs are a kind of gothic with opera voices and sometimes also guttural voices. This concert was in Teatro Caupolicán, and we waited for two hours before the artists came up to the stage, when the female voice, Simone, appeared, it became a real chaos, because she's the pin up girl by excellence and many boys have her as their platonic love, so when she was in sight of the people, the entire public started to shout and fight trying to get closer to her and take some pictures. It was horrible in that moment, because I couldn't see anything and I started to have a difficult breathing, because they were pushing me by every sides, and I received many punches..., finally I got out there as I could and climb to the gallery, and I stayed there for the rest of the concert, singing and shaking my head, I couldn't see as well as someone in the near-stage place, but at least I could watch away the artists and enjoy peacefully the rest of the concert.
I went there with a friend and his girlfriend, but I left them behind at the beggining to be closer to the stage, but as I said before, it was a bad idea because I was alone in the middle of a violent crowd and I couldn't stay there for long. When it finished, I surprisingly met another friend that was very tall and strong, so I regreted that I haven't met him before so I could have been with him and his friends inside the Teatro and stay safe inside the crowd. Anyway, he offered to take me closer to home and as it was late I accepted. We had a really good time and had some drinks together after that.
I went to that concert because Epica has a whole ideology behind their letters and they talk very poetically.
About their last album Design your Universe, which is the same name of the tour, they purpose that "God created all the different religions to see if men are capable to find the real nature of them. The question is if  human kind can undestand that all religions are basically the same".


Animal Rights in Chile

I choose this theme because I care about animals, I'm not a vegetarian, neither a Greenpeace fan, but I respect life and I think that animals, which don't have any Human Rights, are many times very assaulted, and they can't complain, they live in peace and attack another animals by hungry or defense of their pride, but there's no evil in them.
I hate when some people publish videos or photos showing animal abuse, most of the time they laugh about it, and act like those animals have no feelings. I remember a video that someone sent me a long time ago, it showed a little raccoon being pelled by an asian man, it seemed to be a kind of work of that man, maybe he sells that skin to make coats and gloves, so I think he didn't do that just because of maddnes or evil, but the matter was that he made the raccoon suffer and pain horrifibly, I mean, it was ALIVE when he peelled it.
Another video that I received was about a woman squashing a kitten with her shoes, like a horror high heels ad. I don't like to receive that kind of videos, or neither sharing them to my friends, because I think that we can fight against animal abuse using words, those videos only contribute to some people's fascination for gore and horror. Most of the people that shares videos like those enjoy watching pain, and I think they're sick. I propose another way to show my disgust about this fact, which is use the word, and not images, because the image has the power to attract by its own content, and we don't want people to turn it into a circus, but understand that animals have a soul and also feel love and hate and physical pain.

"At his best, man is the noblest of all animals; separated from law and justice he is the worst. "


Friday, August 20, 2010

I would like to introduce myself to you

Hi everyone! I'm Camila, but I prefer the nickname of Mila :) because that's how they used to call me at school. That's it!, Mila AND a smile :)
Well, I'm a very relaxed person, I used to live in the country so I love animals, specially the young ones. I love nature and peaceful places. I also love literature and art. I think art and artcrafts are just the same thing, I think there's no Big Art, unless we talk about all their specialties. Hope you enjoy my blog as well as I'll enjoy writting on it :)
Here's a platonic quote I like:
"You don't have a soul. You're a soul. You have a body".
-Clive Staples Lewis.