Friday, November 26, 2010

My experience learning English at the university

When I was at the school, I first learned German languaje, since I was four years old. Then, when I reached the fifth basic grade, with ten years old, I started learning English, and I remember it wasn't difficult at all, because I've been learning another languaje since I was a child. Then, my parents moved me to another school: the first one was very expensive but very good too, this one was a rural state school, so it was free but, I'm really sorry to say, it was very awful: most of the teachers didn't even have a teaching degree, and neither our english teacher. She was an uneducated woman, sorry to say so, but she didn't even speak spanish well!, quite later I knew she didn't even finish school.
When I reached the university, I didn't know if we were going to learn English languaje, and at the firsts two semesters, I really ignored if there was an English class. Then, at the third semester, I knew we were going to have English classes, because they tested us in an exam at the computer lab. I made the test very quickly, I think was even funny and easy, just like a quiz, and at then I finished plenty of time.
Later, at the fourth semester, I started having my English classes. At first, I used to miss a couple of classes, because I was working as a waitress in a restaurant all the weekendsand holidays, I was really tired all the week, and fridays were specially hard to wake up for me, knowing I had to work the next day. But then I gave up that job, because I was lefting apart the university, and I certainly didn't want to do that: I prefered to give priority to the university.
The classes used to be nice for me, friday mornings, I was much more relaxed as an unemployed person. At the first hour, we do some grammar or vocabulary exercises, and then, at the second hour, we go to the lab and work in a single computer each one of us. At there, we write on a personal blog, about different topics, all of them can let you express freely, I mean, it's not necessary to do a research, or look up for information at the internet, most of the time. All the topics have questions that you can answer by yourself, directly, about your taste or your life experience.
I think that's a great way to learn English languaje, because you don't have to use technical vocabulary, and you can write an entire text without consulting for information, so you can work exclusively in the computer lab, and write about many things you like. It has been good for me because I've learned vocabulary and reinforced grammar, I use to practice English by listening songs I like and translating them, as well as reading blogs in the web that are written in English.

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